Monday, October 1, 2012

Introduction to LDF!

I am so excited to Launch my very own Blog.  Let's just say I have been wanting to do this for over two years.   Thanks to my tech smart niece today is the day I get to share my "passion" with the world!  Ok maybe not the whole world but my little world.  I have been scrapbooking for over 15 years, the last 4 years I like to think I have become  almost, semi-professional....   Since 2008 I have attended the annual Archiver's Scrapfest at the MOA, participate in retreats throughout the year, and have made several scrapbooks for friends and families for those that are not so "Scrap Happy". 

Little Darling Fox is in honor of my Mother, Darleen.   She is one of the strongest women I  know.  She has battled MS for over 30 years and to this day doesn't complain about a thing.  She has been so limited in life that you would think she must have a lot of complaints, not the case.  Her love for her Family and God brings her peace every day.  For the my whole life I have only known my mom as a victim of MS, so when I was going through old pictures of her before my parents 50th wedding anniversary I came across the most "Darling" picture of her when she was young.   A little blond hair, blue eye girl, outside on the farm, in a homemade dress, leaning up against a tree. 

Not knowing what her future holds, at the time not limited to anything.  Now as a mother of three girls I see that same look in them, I just hope I can raise them to be strong as her.  She married my father Harlan Fuchs (which we pronounced :Fox") and had 5 kids, 16 grandchildren, and 1 (+1 on the way) great grandchildren.    That is where the "Fox" comes from.

That is what makes "Little Darling Fox"

What do you think?


1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of blogging! The story of looking through old photos and finding the ones of your mom brought back memories for me too and made me smile. Looking forward to more of your posts.
